Czech homebrewing tasting competition
There is no club in the Czech Republic — homebrewing is still small
here — but there is hope for a better future. So we are organizing
The D Day of Czech Homebrewing, which will have several parts.
Czech homebrewing tasting competition
Saturday the 13th of December, Prague
Free to all, no entrance fee
Categories - Bohemian Pilsner/lager, weizen, smoked beers, open
category (all other beers styles)
The minimum size beer sample — 1 litre — can be send by post to the
following address:
Pivovar (Brewery) Kocour
Rumburska 1920
407 47 Varnsdorf
Czech Republic
The deadline is Friday, December 12th. If you plan a trip to Prague,
than Saturday morning is the last chance to drop the beers at SPSPT,
Podskalska 10, Prague 2.
If you plan to participate, please send an email to telling us your name, city, country, beer
category, and any other information.
If you're sending a smoked beer, please indicate which base beer you
brewed (i.g. Weizen, porter etc). If it is a flavoured beer, also tell
us the base beer (e.g., Strawberry Weizen).
This is the very first event of it's kind for us here. There will be
several activities during that day: tasting competition, seminars,
presentations from companies selling equipment to homebrewers, and the
first annual club meeting.
We already have samples from Germany, Poland, Austria, Slovakia and
Denmark. Wouldn't you like to join us? :)
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