
Beer-hunter Michael Jackson Heads to the Czech Republic vytisknout článek

Přidáno: 26. září 2004  •  Autor: English
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Always on the hunt for the best brews the world has to offer, beer hunter Michael Jackson is headed to the Czech Republic, home of ancient breweries, famous, fragrant hops and countless beer enthusiasts, for what's sure to be a true tour-de-force.

Always on the hunt for the best brews the world has to offer, beer hunter Michael Jackson is headed to the Czech Republic, home of ancient breweries, famous, fragrant hops and countless beer enthusiasts, for what's sure to be a true tour-de-force.

Michael Jackson, the world's leading consumer-writer on beer, is known by readers in many countries for his love of Belgian brews. He received the Mercurius Award from Crown Prince Philippe of Belgium in 1994, which was made with special reference to his television series "The Beer Hunter". He is also author of The Great Beers of Belgium, now in its fourth edition. Jackson is an officer of honor in the Chevalerie de Fourquet, and in 1997, he was made a member of the Belgian Confederation of Brewers, an honor previously reserved for brewers.

While in the Czech Republic, Jackson plans to meet with representatives of the local beer industry, host a press conference to discuss the state of brewing in the region, tour some of Prague's famous pubs, attend an event for the readers of our Svet Piva web site and visit Herold Brewery in nearby Breznice.

Jackson has written extensively about several Herold Brewery beers, and has remarked about the brewery's continuing evolution and innovation, especially in light of an infusion of new, over-seas capitol. "It encourages me that an historical brewery has the opportunity for a new life" notes Jackson, "I have enjoyed these beers in the past and am delighted that I will now have the chance to share them with the rest of the world." Calim Private Equity, a group of American investors based in Aspen, Colorado, plans to help expand the operation and market the beer to consumers in the U.S.

For more information, on Michael Jackson or Michael Jackson's Rare Beer Club, visit www.beerhunter.com or www.rarebeer.com .

For more information on Calim Private Equity visit www.calimpe.com .

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